we created for Nickelodeon
Latin America."; $homeClient['nick']['image'] = "images/home/home_nick.jpg"; $homeClient['brosia']['name'] = "Brosia"; $homeClient['brosia']['desc'] = "Here is an identity we
created for Brosia, inspired
by the restaurant's brilliantly
set mosaic mural."; $homeClient['brosia']['image'] = "images/home/home_brosia.jpg"; $homeClient['aqua']['name'] = "AQUA"; $homeClient['aqua']['desc'] = "This is a small glimpse
into a recent ad campaign
we designed for AQUA
Allison Island."; $homeClient['aqua']['image'] = "images/home/home_aqua.jpg"; $randomClient = array_rand($homeClient, 1); ?> <? echo $siteName; ?> _ <? echo $thisSection; ?><? if (strlen($thisSub) > 0): ?> _ <? echo $thisSub; ?><? endif; ?><? if (strlen($thisPage) > 0): ?> _ <? echo $thisPage; ?><? endif; ?>

We love to work on projects like this and many others.
see for yourself » */ ?>