//include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/includes/db_connect.php"); // establish database connection
include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/includes/inc_functions.php"); // load functions
$thisSection = "Home";
$thisSub = "";
$thisPage = "";
// home page array for images
$homeClient['nick']['name'] = "Nickelodeon Latin America";
$homeClient['nick']['desc'] = "Here is a fun box of goodies
we created for Nickelodeon
Latin America.";
$homeClient['nick']['image'] = "images/home/home_nick.jpg";
$homeClient['brosia']['name'] = "Brosia";
$homeClient['brosia']['desc'] = "Here is an identity we
created for Brosia, inspired
by the restaurant's brilliantly
set mosaic mural.";
$homeClient['brosia']['image'] = "images/home/home_brosia.jpg";
$homeClient['aqua']['name'] = "AQUA";
$homeClient['aqua']['desc'] = "This is a small glimpse
into a recent ad campaign
we designed for AQUA
Allison Island.";
$homeClient['aqua']['image'] = "images/home/home_aqua.jpg";
$randomClient = array_rand($homeClient, 1);